Baby #2

 BabyFruit Ticker

Monday, March 8, 2010

Braden's Birthday Party

So this weekend was my college roomie's, little boys birthday...Braden! He turned 4 and had his party at The Little Gym. This was only Burke's 2nd official birthday party (not counting her own) and she loved it! She was the smallest there so she couldn't really participate but she loved it anyway! She loves to watch people and especially kids. They are so sweet at this age that it kinda makes me sad and feel sorry for them! She just watched and would almost get trampled and they passed her over for cake at first....but she was fine! (Am I the only weirdo that feels sorry for their kids when they are around other kids??? Does that even make sense?) Anywho, here are several pictures from the party.

The birthday boy himself!

Walking on the balance beam.

Burke was having a good time!

Trying to figure out what this mat was all about.

Hula-hoop time! We didn't get her one but she thought they were cool...until the guy told all the kids to use them as steering wheels and 'drive.' Then she got scared at the stampede of little people!

Very interested in what was going on.

She LOVED these balls! They had tons of balls of all different sizes! I realized she didn't have any so we bought her one at Wal-Mart this weekend.

She wouldn't have one for long before someone came by and kicked it away! It was kinda mass chaos but the kids love it!

This dude blew LOTS of little bubbles for the kids while the balls were out. Burke had never seen any before but she was indifferent. She liked the balls better.

Watching the bubbles fall.

Sitting at the table waiting on her cake. Talking 'girl talk' with Allison!

Patiently waiting! I thought she was so sweet and cute just sitting here minding her business and not trying to get down or anything! A big girl!

Found a fork...her favorite!

Both girls are eyeing the cake here!!

Hammin' it up for Skip, Jason's dad. Notice the bruise on her forehead. This was from an incident with her new birthday chair. Standing up in it WILL cause it to flip over. The hardwoods prove to be a match for this little one! They don't call them HARD for nothing!

We had fun at the party Ang! Glad we could come! I can't wait until the girls are old enough for Pink Bliss parties!!

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